
Moedas alternativas e sistemas de pagamento: BRICS e não só

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UE-Mercosul: Anatomia de um acordo colonial

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Diktats & formats?

The ability to forecast and steer global development in its favor has long been one of the West’s competitive advantages, allowing it to ride a wave of ever-increasing influence until 2009, when the global financial crisis pushed the US to convene the G20 to split the damage, and unintentionally push the BRIC leaders to come together for the first time – to advance the common good. Fifteen years on, which format looks more viable? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Paulo Nogueira Batista, a Brazilian economist and former executive director at the International Monetary Fund.

This interview was held on the sidelines of the 21st Annual Conference of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi.

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O Ocidente está sendo punido por sua arrogância

Entrevista no weltwoche.ch

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Dólar se tornou moeda perigosa e pouco confiável, afirma cofundador do banco do BRICS

O dólar se tornou uma moeda perigosa e pouco confiável, afirmou o cofundador e ex-vice-presidente do Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NBD), o Banco do BRICS Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr., em entrevista exclusiva à Sputnik Brasil, nesta terça-feira (1º).


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The secret of the BRICS’ success is not what it is, but what it’s not

The group is the antidote to a declining hegemon pursuing its own interests without regard for problems that require system-level solutions

By Henry Johnston, a Moscow-based RT editor who worked in finance for over a decade


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Taxadd? – sobre críticas descabidas a Haddad

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Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr. fala com Maringoni no DCM

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